Hotel "SAVOJO" is located on the shore of the Buljarica beach, one of the longest and most beautiful beaches of the Budva Riviera. Beautiful view, natural environment, private beach, and the sound of the smallest wave of the Adriatic Sea are just some of the standard features of our hotel.
We have 29 rooms and 3 studio apartments. All accommodation units are equipped with air conditioning, fridge, cable TV and Wi-Fi. All accommodation units have a balcony or terrace, and many units have a sea view. You can choose between single, double, triple or quadruple rooms, depending on your needs. The hotel has a parking lot with a night watchman, restaurant, bar, beach with a beach equipment, and friendly staff that make every guest feel like they are at home.
Hotel "SAVOJO" se nalazi na samoj obali plaže Buljarica, jedne od najdužih i najljepših plaža budvanske rivijere. Lijep pogled, prirodno okruženje, privatna plaža, kao i zvuk najmanjeg talasa Jadranskog mora su samo neke od standardnih karakteristika našeg hotela.
Posjedujemo 29 soba i 3 studio apartmana. Sve smještajne jedinice su opremljene klimom, frižiderom, kablovskom televizijom i bežičnim internetom. Sve smještajne jedinice sadrže balkon ili terasu, a veći broj jedinica ima pogled na more. Možete birati izmedju jednokrevetnih, dvokrevetnih, trokrevetnih ili četvorokrevetnih soba, u zavisnosti od Vaših potreba. Hotel posjeduje parking sa noćnim čuvarom, restoran, bar, plažu sa plažnim mobilijarom i ljubazno osoblje koje čine svakog gosta da se osjeća kao da je kod svoje kuće.
We are located in a small village called Buljarica, which belongs to the municipality of Budva. Buljarica is located between the two largest coastal towns of Budva and Bar, which can be reached in only 20 minutes driving. The hotel is located on an equal length (30km) from the airport in Tivat and Podgorica. Petrovac is just 2 km from the hotel, and our hotel is right on the beach! Buljarica is one of the largest Montenegrin beaches and 2250 meters, and it's the largest beach in the Budva Riviera.
The Buljarica beach was protected in 1968 as an area of special natural features, which is recognized by the European environmental organizations, and in 2007 it was granted the status of an Important Bird Areas (IBA), since more than 54 bird species are registered here. Buljarica has also received the Important Bird Areas (IPA) status. These natural features are of international significance. Buljarica is one of the most attractive places on the Montenegrin Adriatic but it's economically underused.
Mi se nalazimo u malom mjestu zvanom Buljarica, koje pripada opšini Budva. Buljarica je locirana izmedju dva najveća primorska grada Budve i Bara do kojih se stize za svega 20 minuta. Hotel se nalazi na podjednakoj dužini (30km) od aerodroma u Tivtu i Podgorici. Petrovac se nalazi na samo 2 km od hotela, a naš hotel je tačno na plaži! Buljarica je jedna od najvećih crnogorskih plaža i sa 2250m dužine najveća je plaža budvanske rivijere.
Plaža Buljarica zaštićena je 1968. godine kao predio posebnih prirodnih odlika, što je prepoznato od Evropskih organizacija za zaštitu životne sredine, pa je 2007 godine dobila status Važnog područja za ptice (IBA-Important Bird Areas), jer je na ovom prostoru registrovano više od 54 vrsta ptica. Buljarica je takodje dobila i status Važnog područja za biljke (IPA- Important Bird Areas). Ove prirodne karakteristike su od medjunarodnog značaja. Buljarica je jedan od najatraktivnijih prostora na crnogorskom Jadranu, ekonomski nedovoljno iskorišćen.
The organization of a family music camp from the end of May to the middle of June has become a tradition in our hotel. The camp is organized by the Russian Agency Baby Concerts and is very rich in various contents and programs. The hotel is very flexible and is easily adapted to similar groups. The hotel has a large terrace with beautiful panoramic views of the sea that these groups use for activities such as music lessons, yoga for children and adults, and weekly concerts in which both children and adults enjoy the same enjoyment. In front of the hotel on the sandy beach, there is a space for organizing evening gatherings with a camp fire. This period is ideal for families with children due to smaller crowds.
Organizovanje familijarnog muzičkog kampa u periodu od kraja maja do sredine juna je postala tradicija u našem hotelu. Kamp je organizovan od strane Ruske agencije Baby Concerts i veoma je bogat raznim sadržajima i programima. Hotel je veoma fleksibilan i lako se prilagodjava sličnim grupama. Hotel posjeduje veliku terasu sa prelijepim panoramskim pogledom na more koju ove grupe koriste za aktivnosti kao što su časovi muzike, joga za djecu i odrasle kao i nedeljne koncerte u kojima podjednako uživaju kako djeca tako i odrasli. Ispred hotela na pješčanoj plaži obezbijedjen je prostor za organizovanje večernjih druženja uz logorsku vatru. Ovaj period je idealan za porodice sa djecom zbog manjih gužvi.
Pre-season and post-season period is extremely attractive for yoga lovers, this period is very quiet and provides complete peace with the calm sound of waves. The panoramic terrace of our hotel is ideal for performing yoga for which is why groups choose this place. We are very flexible for similar groups that can optionally organize their detox diet with their cook in our kitchen.
Predsezonski i postsezonski period je izuzetno atraktivan za ljubitelje joge, ovaj period je veoma tih i omogucava potpuni mir uz šum talasa. Panoramska terasa našeg hotela idealna je za obavljanje joge zbog čega grupe i biraju ovo mjesto. Veoma smo fleksibilni za slične grupe koje mogu opcionalno organizovati svoju detox ishranu sa svojim kuvarom u našoj kuhinji.
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Spremni da rezervišete kod nas? Imate li pitanje o našim prostorijama ili uslugama? Rado ćemo vam pomoći!
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